Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is it bad for your nails to always have them painted?

No. I used to keep mine painted all the time when I was working. Some polishes just seem to stain a bit but that just takes some buffing to get it off if it bothers you that much. I don't bother any more and I do break my nails more now.Is it bad for your nails to always have them painted?

I always, and I mean always, have mine painted.

And nothing has happened.

No cracking or thinning or anything.

:]Is it bad for your nails to always have them painted?
yes it is eventually they will get a yellowish tint - there are days your have to let them breath. same with fake nails those things are so bad for your nails they cause all kind of fungus and bacteria!
I don't think so. I also believe that paint give nails protection,make them strong and don't break easily. Nails look better with color. Sadly i don't have nails...they started breaking when i was 4 . I feel bad just a lil bit and i have never been into a nail spa. No nails on my hands and feet but the skin on my fingers is very strong. Let me stop before i start crying. Enjoy your nice painted nails.
yes it is actually. Espescially if u are always changing the nail polish.

But it doesnt stop me!
No theres nothing worng with that at all. It looks good.
no. i don't think so. if it were a problem, i think they'd have it on the bottle somewhere about overusing it.

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