Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it true that Jello is good for you're hair and nails?

From Wikipedia:';It has also been said to strengthen nails and hair. However, there is little scientific evidence to support such an assertion, one which may be traced back to Knox's revolutionary marketing techniques of the 1890s, when it was advertised that gelatin contains protein and that lack of protein causes dry, deformed nails. In fact, the human body itself produces abundant amounts of the proteins found in gelatin. Furthermore, dry nails are usually due to a lack of moisture, not protein.';Is it true that Jello is good for you're hair and nails?
yupppIs it true that Jello is good for you're hair and nails?
Not Jello. Gelatin.
gelatin... yes. JELL-O... no. Jell-o is gelatin coloring, flavor, and unneeded sugar... gelatin is... gelatin... get KNOX gelatin , it is nothing but gelatin... you can add it to any liquid and have a healther, more natural jello. I add it to water and eat like 5 times a day, makes my hair and nails shiny and strong.
doubt it - jello is basically gelatine, colouring and chemicals....doubts its good for anything!

water/calcium/vitamins are the best for hair and nails and skin!

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