Saturday, January 23, 2010

Now that Obama had nailed it and McCain was left to pick up the peices and wondering what went wrong, it is ?

times to conduct the postmortems. My own: McCain lost because he was on a mission impossible! Nobody could hope to win (not even Obama himself) as he was hemmed in from the start by the media led by the New York Times and the Washington Post and MSN Video and their associates who sadly had one thing in common: by hook or by crook stop John McCain! Obama himself knew that his opponent had better qualification. During the almost two years campaign, he could not attack McCain on foreign policy or security; honesty, patriotism,economy or experience; so that's why he had to keep linking the GOP candidate to George Bush, hoping the American people's weariness of the Iraq war would result in the rejection of John McCain bid for the White House. Fortunately, it (and the enthusiastic work put in by the like of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, etc) had worked! This is not to belittle Obama; he ran a better campaign than McCain's, in that whenever McCain's side or anybody attacked him he was quick and never failed to response, which was not the case with the Republican nominee. If you absorbed repeated blows to your creditability, no matter how ridiculous, without a counter eventually your reputation is ruined. McCain should have responded forcefully against Obama's effective weapon against him: ';Vote for John McCain is like a vote for four more years of Goerge W. Bush's failed policy'; from the beginning instead of during the last few days of campaigning. This blunder cost him the presidency. What is your postmortem?Now that Obama had nailed it and McCain was left to pick up the peices and wondering what went wrong, it is ?
The mainstream media showed their bias and it will start their downfall. The people were ';conned'; and made to believe that Obama is the correct course of action but will soon find out that Obama was just playing on their ignorances, and the democrats have an over-abundance of them.

You don't need to learn about socialism in school, you just have to watch it unfold in this country. The people who voted for obama really didn't know what they were voting for. Now they get to experience socialism first hand. Enjoy it you mind-numbed kool-aid drinking idiots.


Don't listen to BlindGuy, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Besides, take a look at his name and you'll know what he thinks of himself.Now that Obama had nailed it and McCain was left to pick up the peices and wondering what went wrong, it is ?
I credit the victory to the millions of african americans who have never voted before and only voted for O(s)bama because of the color of his skin ( kinda racist on their part ) , instead of his political views .

Look at the points in the campaign where McCain lost ground in the polls. His biggest drop came after Palin.... she gave him a brief boost because she was pretty then we got to know a little bit about her and that boost disappeared.
Sorry, no. That's not ';what went wrong.';

What went wrong is exactly what you just did in your post: making excues instead of accepting responsibility, and twisting th efacts.. I'll cite two examples:

a) blaming the media. The media started off positive toward McCain. At the end they were hostile--and McCAin brought that on himself by adopting a campaign strategy based on smear tactics and his running mate's open appeals to bigotry.

b) McCain's record on foreign policy WAS no more than to follow Bush's lead. that's on the record. And Obama's judgment on such issues has consistently proved correct. Obama could and did criticize McCAiin on this issue. Two specifics: McCain supported--and still supports--continued occupation of Iraq. Well, the waar was a mistake (to put it politely) from the start. Obama oposed it and was proved right. Now--McCain persists in following this failed policy. But al-Caida is NOT IN IRAQ--they are in Afghanistan/Pakistan--were Obama has urged our focus should be for years.

My point is not to rehash all the candidates positions--but to make a point: If the Republicans persist in theier habit of blaing the media, or anythng else, for their own failures, they can expect to continue to become less and less relevant to national politics. The same is especially true if they continue their strategy of smear campaigns and attempts to divide Americans against one another.

If the GOP wants to figure out what went wrong--START by looking in a mirror.

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