Monday, May 10, 2010

Don't you think Baruch Spinoza nailed it here?

On freedom of the will

';...For instance, a stone receives from the impulsion of an external cause a certain quantity of motion, by virtue of which it continues to move after the impulsion given by the external cause has ceased.- Further conceive that a stone while continuing in motion, should be capable of thinking and knowing, that it is endeavoring, as far as it can, to continue to move. Such a stone, being conscious merely of its own endeavor and not at all indifferent, would believe itself to be completely free, and would think that it continued in motion solely because of its own wish. This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in fact that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined.';

If you think you can oppose this view as ingeniously as Spinoza presented his view, go ahead, try. What do you all think?Don't you think Baruch Spinoza nailed it here?
What puts us into motion about our own desires? We are not ignorant of our where our desires have been produced. Our desires are all natural, we are not just conscious of our endeavor, we all have the ability to choose which way we would go about to reach our desires. What has pushed us into motion, is not the singular fact that chooses how we go to our desires. We are not ignorant of the causes.Don't you think Baruch Spinoza nailed it here?
ummmmm... well...

Abraham Mazlow's hierarchy of needs would suggest that needs (and desires?) come from within.

this might suggest that the stone, assuming it is capable of thinking and knowing, would receive impulsion from it's own development, not necessarily from an external source.

Maslow suggested this hierarchy is progressive, not recessive, which would suggest that the impulsion would also be progressive.

then again...
Imagine. You are the product of an orgasm. And you will continue to move until you die. The orgasm is the force that no longer exists yet is was enough force to move an object for a long time.
Did you ever see a stone that makes a 180 from a thrown and runs off to the hot-dog stand out of impulse? People are known to do that.
No. I don't think here.

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